Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Or Leaves as the rest of us know them. Leees is Annie's version (which of course is yelled at the top of her lungs as she's running through them). She just loves to play in the leaves.

 And apparently have them thrown on her too.

 She'll just run back and forth to hear the swish swish sound they make while she runs through them...

 We've been fortunate enough to actually have a fall this year and the fall colors are amazing. The whole mountain side is painted bright red with some yellow patches here and there.

 Have I mentioned how much she loves raspberries? We planted raspberry bushes on the whole west side of our house a few years ago and we finally got a big crop this year. She'll just stand there, pick them off and eat them all day.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's starting to talk! I love fall especially with little ones. There are so many fun things to do and see, and so many photo ops....
